Emotional Authority
Your Solar Plexus is defined, which means that you should honor your emotions. The emotional wave goes up and down. At times you can be optimistic about everything and the next day you may feel that nothing works.
You must make decisions when you are emotionally clear. For example, if somebody asks you out for lunch, don't automatically accept; wait to see how you feel. Bigger decisions may take days, months or even years.
Learn to "sleep on it" and allow yourself time to make the decision. If you feel you are forced to make a decision, then give yourself more time.
Your emotional wave gives you an incredibly deep insight into everything around you. You know people better than they know themselves. Use your emotional gift and honor your authority.
Sacral Authority
You are the life-force of this planet and are here to work on what makes you satisfied. Your defined Sacral center literally generates unlimited energy as long as you use it correctly.
You probably initiate actions with your mind all the time because you fear that nothing will happen otherwise. This approach usually leaves you stuck, frustrated and exhausted and you want to quit.
Your aura is like a strong magnet which attracts all kinds of opportunities to you. People always reach out because they know that you have a lot of energy and you will get the job done. The question for you is: Is this the right job for me?
If you have the courage to wait and honor your authority you will be able to choose only the work which is good and healthy for you. You will be in “your zone”.
The Sacral center, located in your belly is your guide. If the opportunity is right for you, you will see that it opens up or says Ah-huh (Yes) or there is excitement. When you pick something which is right for you, it feels easy, the energy is there and it flows.
If the opportunity is not for you, you may not feel anything, feel a Nah-huh or a No sound or your belly just deflates. If you have to justify the opportunity then it probably is not for you.
If your Emotional center is defined, you have to honor its emotional wave and consider it as well as your Sacral response. Learn to spend your energy before you go to bed. If you go to bed full of energy your sleep will be restless.
Splenic Authority
Only Manifestors and Projectors can have Splenic Authority.
Your Splenic Authority is spontaneous. It is in the now, and is associated with animal instincts. It knows what is healthy and needed for survival.
Listen to the quiet hunches and instincts. Write them down because they will probably not repeat themselves. Do not believe the thoughts which question your hunches.
Ego Authority
This is a very rare authority because the Sacral, Emotional and Splenic centers must all be open.
It is the authority of the willpower, a Me energy. People with this authority can be Manifestors or Projectors.
This is a material authority, which has to do with possession and asserting one's place and territory. Listen to yourself speaking out loud as you make decisions.
Self Projected Authority
This is a very rare authority as all centers below the Identity center must be open. People with this authority are Projectors, and don't have any motors defined.
This is a self-directing authority where the self is expressing itself. Listen to yourself speaking out loud as you are making decisions. Have a few friends to speak to or record your voice.
No Inner Authority
When no centers below the Throat are defined, there is no Inner authority.
Since your design is open, you are greatly influenced by the environment and the people around you. You should be careful in your relationships.
The Moon affects you significantly. You should try and wait through one Moon cycle before you make any major decisions in your life (about 29 days).